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Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Cette semaine

Data on house prices and sales by local authority area - where to find?

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Data on house prices and sales by local authority area - where to find?

Is anybody aware of a website where data on house prices and sales by local authority area can be retrieved for free? This is an area which is usually reported on for our AMR but I am struggling to find anywhere to retrieve this data for 2012/13. I usually use the BBC House price index (updated quarterly) but do not have a complete data set for 2012/13 as did not retrieve this in time. Any suggestions welcome!

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Data on house prices and sales by local authority area - where to find?


Hi Paul, try this one. Put in the postcode and away you go.

Rob Searle, modifié il y a 10 années.

Data on house prices and sales by local authority area - where to find?

New Member Publications: 6 Date d'inscription: 30/09/13 Publications Récentes

Hi Paul - the Land Registry now provide all of the price paid data month by month for all sales across the Country. you'll have to manipulate the data yourself (sort / filter for your authority) but you can then do what you like with the data.

Another resource is CLG quarterly house price data (Table 581 gives data by district) but there tends to be a lag with that...

The Land Registry also shows data in the their HPI (search the index) on a monthly basis but only by Region, County and Unitary (not for all the other Local Authority areas).

Rob Searle (Dixon Searle LLP)