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Councillor involvement in Pre Application discussions

Former Member, modifié il y a 16 années.

Councillor involvement in Pre Application discussions

There is a lot of advice about the benefits of councillor involement in pre applications discussions, and the need to have a protocol that guides this involvement. Does anyone have a protocol that they think works well and would like to share ?
Former Member, modifié il y a 16 années.

Councillor involvement in Pre Application discussions

Bryan, the Planning Officers Society's development management in practice project have published some guidance on member involvement in pre-apps. This draws on the experience of local authority planners and has some good tips on protocols and also on establishing mechanisms to provide councillors with opportunities to take an active role in pre-app discussions without prejudicing their role in determining applications. The link to the POS document is
Former Member, modifié il y a 15 années.

Re: Councillor involvement in Pre Application discussions

For those of you experiencing problems accessing the link to the Planning Officers Society's guidance on member involvement in pre-apps please try this link It's the third pdf document.