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On line access to Pre Application enquiry documents

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

On line access to Pre Application enquiry documents

All our planning applications are on line, making it straightforward for colleagues, consultees and third parties to see the documents they need and comment. Its not the same for pre application documents, and whilst they are all scanned/uploaded to our dms, they are not accessible outside the organisation (eg for our consultees). There are some workarounds, but all involve time and cost. We don’t want to just publish the documents, but would like to find a way where they can be made accessible online to people we invite, and we are thinking about things like Dropbox and google docs, and wondered if any one has already got an effective ( and cheap) alternative. Thanks
Faye Smith, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: On line access to Pre Application enquiry documents

New Member Publications: 9 Date d'inscription: 20/10/11 Publications Récentes
Hi Bryan I see that Bristol have the Idox public access system, do you have the consultee access module as part of the package? We recently made the switch to public / consultee access and with a bit of tweaking in the PA admin system, we are now successfully making our pre-applications available online for consultees, but details are restricted for general users. If you would like further info, I’d be happy to run through how we’ve got it working for us, note we also use Idox DMS and Uniform. Regards, Faye
Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: On line access to Pre Application enquiry documents

Hi Bryan, I am wondering whether you have taken a specific decision not to make pre-app documents accessible on line. I haven't looked at this for a few years now, but when I did last go into it with the Information Commissioner, I received guidance that it was only in limited circumstances that pre-application discussions should be withheld - the default position being that the information should be accessible. Clearly that would mean that if someone requested information, it would be made available except for those limited exceptions. Would it be easier to also make the information available on line except for the exceptional cases rather than look for the work around? Phillipa
Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: On line access to Pre Application enquiry documents

Hi Phillipa I note what your saying about the Info Commissioner but I'm not convinced that displaying pre-app info on-line will encourage developers to seek advice which I think everyone would agree is a benefit. Would be interested to hear how the development industry has reacted where councils have chosen to display pre-app details on-line...
Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: On line access to Pre Application enquiry documents

Hi Faye, whilst we have IDOX/Uniform/Public Access, we don't have Consultee access. It is something we looked at in the past, but were never convinced that we could justify it for the relatively small number of consultees (we have no Parish Councils) that might use it. Using it for pre-app enquiries as you have done might change our thinking, and it would be good to have further info. My email address is bryan.cadman@bristol.gov.uk Thanks Hi Phillipa, my intuitive view is that pre app enquires should be in the public domain, and I can only think of a few cases (eg someone getting advice before they buy a site) where there might be a good reason to keep it confidential. Our practice is that we do let an overarching local amenity group know that a pre app is in, and supply contact details so they can contact the applicant direct.. We also let elected members know if a pre app is in their ward. The thinking is that doing this will help with early community engagement and should lead to better and more certain outcomes. We have discussed the idea of publishing all pre apps online, but generally the reaction (from developers and other LPAs) is that its a step too far and might discourage pre apps being made. But then, if an FOI was made asking to see pre app details, not sure a refusal would hold much water. Like Tewkesbury, we would be keen to see where councils have taken this step, and also maybe to get views of representatives of the development industry.
Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: On line access to Pre Application enquiry documents

As we await the new suite of guidance from DCLG, which will include new DM guidance, I am about to start a project on relooking at pre-apps proceedures - updating and moving on from the old PAS booklet "Constructive Talk" (if you remember tha)t. It will encompass work on PPAs, extensions of time and members involvement etc. and we think that it will also respond to I will also be involving the development industry again, as that was invaluable to getting a step change last time. I will make sure that the question of publishing pre-app info is discussed. Anyone interested in being involved in shaping/contributing good practice and ideas - I would love to hear from you! Meanwhile on this topic - has anyone got any stories about FOIs on pre-apps or experience of developers actually withdrawing from pre-apps because the information could be shared?