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MoD and Tele coms objections to wind turbines

Marc Willis, modifié il y a 10 années.

MoD and Tele coms objections to wind turbines

New Member Publications: 3 Date d'inscription: 20/08/13 Publications Récentes


Is anyone aware of (or have themselves) sought to address objections raised by the MoD and telecoms bodies regarding potential intereference of a turbine on their systems via the use of pre-commencement conditions?  I have seen an appeal decision where a Planning Inspector had suggested such a conditon would be reasonable but the appeal was called in by the SoS and was later dismissed - therefore the conditions never stood. However, as the Inspector had suggested such a condition I am assuming in principle this approach was considered reasonable.

Does anyone have any experience or examples of such conditions being used? Has the appropriateness of this approach ever been tested at appeal?

I welcome any suggestions/examples, etc



Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

MoD and Tele coms objections to wind turbines


In a case I am dealing with for a single turbine (79m to tip) the only mitigation for the emergency services and their airwaves was to move the turbine - so not able to be addressed by condition.  Same case now has an objection from the MOD which the applicant is working with them direct and seems to be confident that they can overcome their objection  however it will require them to amend the application for a smaller turbine.  At the time of responding the height required is not yet known but should be by Friday.



Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

MoD and Tele coms objections to wind turbines

Is the MoD objection related to their radar?  If so, in the decision for appeal APP/R2928/A/08/2075105 there was a dispute over the impact of the proposed turbines on the radar at Newcastle International Airport.  The inspector imposed this condition (no. 11) to overcome the problem:


The erection of Turbine T1 or Turbine T4, whichever is to be commenced later, shall not commence until there has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing after consultation with Newcastle International Airport Ltd a supplementary Radar Technical Assessment which shall review the Pager Power Ltd Line of Sight analysis and the BAe Systems Radar Technical Assessment to determine the reasons for the different results in respect of visible turbine height and the report shall include any further technical analysis necessary to confirm what predicted height reduction in the last of the two turbines to be erected would render that turbine invisible to the primary radar at Newcastle Airport. Should that height reduction be 10m or less, the turbine shall be erected at that maximum height with the blades not to exceed 35m in length and those dimensions shall not thereafter be exceeded. In the alternative, should the approved supplementary radar report confirm that a predicted height reduction in excess of 10m would be necessary to render the turbine invisible, that turbine shall not be erected until a scheme to introduce a Non Acquisition Area on the primary radar display at the airport has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Newcastle International Airport Ltd; which scheme shall be implemented before that turbine commences rotation and which shall endure for the life of the development unless an alternative mitigation scheme has been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Newcastle International Airport Ltd.


Marc Willis, modifié il y a 10 années.

MoD and Tele coms objections to wind turbines

New Member Publications: 3 Date d'inscription: 20/08/13 Publications Récentes

Thanks for the responses (and appeal info Paul).  The objection is based on potential impacts on radar and for now I have asked the applicant to contact the MoD to discuss further.