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Pre-Committee Scrutiny of Applications

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Pre-Committee Scrutiny of Applications

I'm looking at the feasibilty of reporting applications to Members, not as a formal Committee, but rather as some sort of Panel to allow them to 'flag up' issues that may be of particular concern to Councillors before the application is reported to Commmittee. This would allow the applicant and officers to undertake any further necessary work so that a new issue doesn't come out at Committee leading to a deferrment which could have been avoided.

Do any LPAs out there have a similar sort of arrangement which could be identified, or if close enough to Hampshire, be visited?


peter Ford, modifié il y a 10 années.

Pre-Committee Scrutiny of Applications

New Member Publications: 4 Date d'inscription: 20/10/11 Publications Récentes

Robert, interestingly I was discussing this very matter with our Planning Committee Chair (Plymouth) last week because a developer asked for a pre Committee meeting.  We have agreed that instead of a Planning Committee only meeting,  the developer would organise an open session that anyone could attend, but Planning Committee members would be strongly encouraged to take part in.  This will prevent any accusations of things being discussed "behind closed doors".  I would be very interested to hear what others do.

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Pre-Committee Scrutiny of Applications

Hi Robert and Peter,

PAS is just about to produce a set of guidance notes for LPAs on pre-application engagement as part of a cross sector project.  One of the notes will be about councillor and community engagement and deals with the arrangements that councils can set up for giving councillors the chance to havean early presnetaion on a proposals so that they can geta better understanding of all the issues and the developer can hear what the areas of concern are and take these on board.  Unfortunately we dont quite have sign off on these yet ( will be out in January).  

We have found a range of options are used  by councils - from early briefing meetings of both ward members and members of the planning committee, to the more open public meetings that Peter describes.  It will depend largely on what you want to accomplish - a larger public meeting has more transparency, but the practical arrangements of having a large meeting means that discussing options for overcoming any concerns  can be difficult to achieve: therefore it does tend to be more present and listen.  If the developer does the arranging it can also feel a bit more promotional.

If you opt for a smaller briefing with the councillors, they key is to make sure that there are very good minutes of the meeting(especially any advice given), make sure these are agreed and then make the notes available as early as you can.

Richard Crawley, modifié il y a 10 années.

Pre-Committee Scrutiny of Applications

Expert Publications: 256 Date d'inscription: 07/12/11 Publications Récentes


See also this recent thread that is relevant, I think. 


Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Pre-Committee Scrutiny of Applications

Hi Robert

RBBC has operated a panel system for many years along the lines you are looking at.

We recently reviewed and revised this.

Happy to discuss if you feel will assist.

Regards Kelvin