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What to do if a site notice is continually taken down?

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

What to do if a site notice is continually taken down?

Hi All,

If a statutorily required site notice is removed during the consultation period then the DMPO is clear that the LPA need to replace it:

Where the notice is, without any fault or intention of the local planning authority,

removed, obscured or defaced before the period of 21 days referred to in

paragraph (3)(a), (4)(a)(i) or (5)(a) has elapsed, the authority shall be treated as

having complied with the requirements of the relevant paragraph if they have

taken reasonable steps for protection of the notice and, if need be, its



If a site notice is continually removed by persons unknown within a day or so of being put up, does anyone have any experience of what an ombudsman might accept as 'reasonable steps'? Surely we can't be expected to drive out to site every day to put up a replacement?