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New A1/A2 to Residential PD Rights

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

New A1/A2 to Residential PD Rights

I am trying to clarify some wording in the legislation for new PD Rights for change of use from A1 or A2 to residential.  Paragraph IA.1 of the 2014 GPDO states:

Development is not permitted by Class IA where—

(c) the cumulative floor space of the existing building changing use under Class IA exceeds 150 square metres;

What I am seeking a definition on is what is meant by “the existing building changing use”.  Is it:

  1. The entire building, including separate floors and/or units of all uses (i.e. “cumulative floor space”); or is it
  2. Only the individual floor(s) and/or unit(s) of the existing building that is changing use from A1/A2?

Clarification on this wording will be essential for Prior Notifications where there is an existing A1/A2 floor or unit that is under 150sqm, but where there are any additional floor(s) and/or unit(s) (such as an existing flat) that would bring the cumulative total floor area above 150sqm.

Any responses will be much appreciated.

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