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RE: Missing update notifications from

richard white, modifié il y a 8 mois.

Missing update notifications from

Advocate Publications: 213 Date d'inscription: 26/11/18 Publications Récentes

I'm becoming increasingly frustrated that after someone at built a perfectly good webpage with an update subscription engine ('Get emails about this page), it seems to be being neglected and has become broken.


Planning practice guidance

The National Planning Policy Framework and relevant planning practice guidance.

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
29 November 2016
Last updated
24 June 2021 — See all updates

The National Planning Policy Framework was published on 27 March 2012 and revised in 2018, 2019 and most recently 20 July 2021. It sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.


I noticed a while ago that  I would see mentions in the planning press of updates to the NPPG - but I had stopped receiving auto update emails from

I'm not an IT guy, but when you look closer you can see the possible cause - the updates log has not been kept up to date - the last update logged is June 2021 whereas we all know there have been a great many updates since.


I have written to about this but had no response, so I thought I would post something here to see if anyone else has noticed this problem and i nthe hope that someone (i.e. Richard C) might be able to shake the tree and get this fixed please :)

Richard Crawley, modifié il y a 8 mois.

RE: Missing update notifications from

Expert Publications: 254 Date d'inscription: 07/12/11 Publications Récentes

Hello Richard W

I still get daily emails on my preferences (which are planning and building). 

Is the problem that updates to NPPG are not being flagged as being part of that policy area? (or even not being flagged as updates?)


richard white, modifié il y a 8 mois.

RE: Missing update notifications from

Advocate Publications: 213 Date d'inscription: 26/11/18 Publications Récentes

It looks to me as if the root problem is that they are not being logged as updates at all - at least not on the main PPG page.

If you look at the main page - this says the last update was in 2021 despite many of the subpages e.g. showing more recent updates

I'm not an IT guy but I would have thought updates would cascade and it shouldn't be necessary to individually subscribe to each of the circa 30 sub pages linked from the main page...

I have now also subscribed on a seperate email accounts to updates from the alternative sign up page to see what happens


Richard Crawley, modifié il y a 7 mois.

RE: Missing update notifications from

Expert Publications: 254 Date d'inscription: 07/12/11 Publications Récentes

I have an answer - I don't think you're going to like it

"To answer your question about updates to the NPPF on the website – as the website is only a collection page of links, it only registers as updated if a new link is added to new guidance. This hasn’t been done in two years hence why the page hasn’t been updated since June 2021. Some of the linked guidance will have been updated in that time but you would need to subscribe for email alerts individually and directly on the guidance pages you are interested in. You could equally subscribe at a topic level, though this will increase the scope of the content included."


I've made the point that this is slightly silly from a users perspective, but I suspect I'm going to get an answer back along the lines of "but this is how works". 


richard white, modifié il y a 7 mois.

RE: Missing update notifications from

Advocate Publications: 213 Date d'inscription: 26/11/18 Publications Récentes


Many thanks for following up on this

richard white, modifié il y a 7 mois.

RE: Missing update notifications from

Advocate Publications: 213 Date d'inscription: 26/11/18 Publications Récentes

The topic level option doesn't seem to have an option to sift Building Control from Planning - so not really an option for me sorry

I guess I'll be subbing to each of the 30 or so PPG pages one at a time...