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SHLAA Database

Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

SHLAA Database

Our team are embarking on an update of our SHLAA.  Our existing database is an access database, but its not the easiest to use, therefore we are trying to establish whether it is fit for purpose or if it’s worth us effectively starting again and creating a new access database or moving to an Excel database or some other software.

I was wondering what other authorities have done and if there are any examples of best prtactice.  We need something easy to use, and cost effective.  Any advice, lesson learnt greatly welcomed please!

Vicky Forgione, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: SHLAA Database

Hello Jo,


We used spreadsheets for our SHLAA and for our AMR housing and employment monitoring. Hertfordshire Council then bought a system called CDP Smart which, although costly, was so easy to use for all monitoring purposes including SHLAA. Its worth looking at and posibly sharing the costs on a county wide basis or with other neighbouring authorities:



(now working at Harlow Council but was working at Broxbourne Council)