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Change of Use

Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

Change of Use

Hi, we are a boxing club in Dunfermline and are currently looking at leasing new larger premises. The unit we are looking at is a joinery warehouse in an industrial estate. It is basically a basic brick shell and whilst we won't be altering the outside we will need to do a lot of internal work like installing toilets, an office, reception etc. 

I'm really just trying to understand what I will need to do to get the Change of use approved anything else from a planning or building warrant perspective I need to think about.  Any advice appreciated . Thanks David



andy plan, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Change of Use

Enthusiast Publications: 25 Date d'inscription: 22/03/13 Publications Récentes

Hi David - whilst re-using an existing shell of a building might seem a good idea - it's not always that simple from a planning point of view.  No two applications are the same and each case is determined on it's own, merits.  I suggest you have a chat with the Council's planning officer first as he can set out the Council's development plan policies relevant to your proposals and you can go from there.  I've put a few pointers below which I hope helps -

  • Parking and traffic generation might be an issue.  You should be sure you can comply with the relevant parking requirements and be sure that your lease will give you the right to use the required number of parking spaces (as that might be a condition of your permission). 
  • There might be conflict with the operation of other users on the estate (but depends on hours of use) so expect to receive some objections from neighbouring businesses. 
  • Also, the Local Planning Authority might have specific planning policies that seek to protect buildings like this for pure employment uses - so you will have to have some arguments ready if that's the case.

There might be other detailed issues specific to the site/building (ecology, contamination/noise, proximity to neighbouring housing etc) but those will only be clear after some research.

I hope this helps.


Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Change of Use

Hi Andy, that's really helpful advice. Thank you.