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Prior Notification Larger Home Extension

brooke pride, modifié il y a 7 années.

Prior Notification Larger Home Extension

New Member Envoyer: 1 Date d'inscription: 23/08/16 Publications Récentes

Dear All,


I would just like people's thoughts on this or the way in which you deal with this problem.

We have received a few prior notification - larger home extensions, where the form dimensions are different to those on the plans provided. E.G. the dimensions on the form at 6x4x3 and the plans show 6x3x3.

Do you let them go through to the officer and decide by what it states on the form and don't consider the plans or do you contact the agent/applicant and ask them to change them?

If you ask them to change the plans to reflect the form do you make the application invalid? or how long do you give them to do this change by?

Also if they do not provide the amendments and its near the deadline do you refuse the application or would you determine it solely based on the form dimensions?


any help would be appreciated or advice.

