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Finding out employment totals for specific areas

Former Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

Finding out employment totals for specific areas

How can I find out how many jobs are currently provided in each town and village in my District? This seems like a fairly basic piece of planning information but is proving difficult to pin down. ONS data on employment, from the annual business inquiry, doesn’t break down estimated total workplaces below local authority area. I’ve found companies who can provide information on the number of workplaces in certain employment groups by postcode, but not one who can provide a figure for the total number of jobs in a specific town or village. Has anyone come across a source of information on this? Any advice would be most welcome
Former Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

Re: Finding out employment totals for specific areas

Hello Ian, I was passed your query above. Although I didn't have an answer, I decided to post it on our Local Economic Assessment community of practice. A reply came through from a Ginny Murphy, Research Manager in Cumbria CC. Ginny says: "ABI (now replaced by BRES) does provide employment data down to ward or LSOA level but you need a special Notice to access it. You can apply for a Notice and access the data via NOMIS. ABI/BRES don't provide the complete picture though as they exclude some agriculture data and all self employment. An alternative commercial source if you've got funds is the Betamodel which brings together data from a variety of sources and gives information on enterprises and emploment at small area level." If you want to explore this further I suggest you join the LEA community of practice or even get in touch with Ginny Hope this helps. Kamal Panchal, LGID.
Former Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

Re: Finding out employment totals for specific areas

Hi Ian, can you tell me what area you are looking at and I will get you the figures? George