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Providing evidence for reduced sub-regional housing targets under ‘duty to

Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Providing evidence for reduced sub-regional housing targets under ‘duty to

Following the abolition of regional strategies (whenever that may be), the NPPF approach to setting Local Plan housing targets seems to be based on an assumption that it should always be possible to meet identified housing requirements, if not within a single plan area, then across neighbouring authorities in the same housing market area. In Coastal West Sussex, it appears unlikely that identified housing requirements (mostly resulting from projected in-migration) can be met in full across the HMA as a whole, due to a combination of environmental and infrastructure constraints. It is also likely that the LPAs collectively will be unable to meet housing targets currently set in the adopted Regional Strategy. The local authorities across the HMA are now looking to commission joint work to provide evidence on the level of housing that is likely to be realistically achievable, taking account of the constraints and obstacles to delivery. This work would also assess the implications of not being able to deliver sufficient housing to meet identified needs. It would be a high level study that would bring together evidence from existing work undertaken at the sub-regional level (e.g SHMA) and within individual LPAs. It is envisaged that this evidence will assist individual LPAs in helping to justify housing targets and demonstrating compliance with the ‘duty to co-operate’. Does anyone know of any similar joint studies that have been or are being undertaken?
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Providing evidence for reduced sub-regional housing targets under ‘duty

Clearly policy based evidence rather than evidence based policy. 15 or so years ago the County tried something similar and was shot down I remember - did the world fall apart with the housing numbers that were promoted as beyond 'capacity' no not at all. Such an approach would stand zero chance at examination given the NPPF. The shortfall in this HMA can easily be met by a Garden City on the railway between Brighton and Crawley as has long been acknowledged. I would suggest a better approach is to plan for a positive proactive solution that is very likely to be successfully promoted at EIP by the developers if you dont. Will the brief allow for positive design led exmination of large scale solutions and their objective independent assessment? The tone of your post suggests you want the study to come to a predetermined solution that is politically comfortable rather than the best planning solution.
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Providing evidence for reduced sub-regional housing targets under ‘duty

Hi Robert Authorities in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire have comissioned shared evidence based work from Edge Analytics that looked at housing requirements for each district and county under different scenarios. If you would like more information please contact Harriet