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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Hier

Scanning of Historic Applications

Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Scanning of Historic Applications

Can anyone pass on their practice for the scanning of historic applications if they have already completed the task of backscanning their old applications. In particular I would like to know : 1. How far back the application and decision notices were scanned. eg Was it 1948, 1974, 1981, . 2. Did you scan Withdrawn Applications, Appeal Information , Plans, 3. Was there any legal advice to back up the practice Any help would be greatly appreciated. Keith
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Scanning of Historic Applications

Hi: At Stroud we used HPDG to scan our entire microfilm system. This went back to 1947/8 and included everything, appeals, withdrawn, enforcement and general filing. It was cheaper to scan everything than it was to cull data. We have not made this data public on our website as its not been redacted or cleansed. We do allow the public to see all apart from enforcement at our customer service desk, and obviously can send documents as attachments (once cleansed) The decision notices were done 5 years ago and were merely scanned to searchable PDF documents. We have placed our plotting sheets on the web for all to see. Search agents can then self service their decision notices, saving us time and money. The only comment we had from legal was about confidentuality of enforcement cases, and data protection of signatures, phone numbers and emails. But as none of the data is published on the web, this was not an issue. See our decision register at: I'm not in for a week or so, but happy to discuss. Phill