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How many sites do we need to SA ?

Richard Crawley, modifié il y a 6 années.

How many sites do we need to SA ?

Expert Publications: 256 Date d'inscription: 07/12/11 Publications Récentes

We got asked this interesting question:


"We have recently completed a HELAA  which establishes that the district has sufficient land to accommodate its own OAN. This document includes approx 519 sites dispersed across the district. 
My question is in moving to the next stages and more in depth site assessment including sustainability appraisal, would we have to assess and undertake an SA for all the 519 sites  or can we restrict our assessment and SA, which will be used to select our preferred options for reg 19 consultation to those sites that only accord to the emerging spatial strategy (approx half).
Put another way do we have to SA and assess all the sites that do not accord with the emerging spatial strategy and can we drop / exclude sites that are in the HELAA / call for sites that are not required in the emerging spatial strategy? "