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When to chose a policy-only plan and when to consider allocating sites?

Simon Pickstone, modifié il y a 9 années.

When to chose a policy-only plan and when to consider allocating sites?

Advocate Publications: 104 Date d'inscription: 22/04/13 Publications Récentes
Hi Folks, I am working with a community on a NP (in a personal capacity) having only just joined them a fair way into their journey. They seem to want to go down a 'policy-only' route which seems to miss the whole point of a NP? Am I wrong!? They clearly seem to agree that they want some development so they can fund a number of key priorities/ambitions in the area. It seems crazy to me if they then stop short of allocating suitable sites, being explicit about the quantum of development they are prepared to accept and put their faith in the hands of the LPA to allocate sites or wait for developers to bring forward sites? I just don't think the LPA will allocate any sites which will either open it all out to speculative development or prevent any development coming forward in their NP area which will mean they won't be able to fund their objectives through developer contributions? I am new to the whole NP agenda...can anybody with a bit more experience offer some help? Thanks