
LG Inform - Jonathan Evans and data


Thank you, Jonathan for finding the time for this short interview. It will be good to hear about the behind the scenes work that goes on to get all the data into LG Inform.

Q. Over the last year how have the metrics in LG Inform changed?

The library of metrics has continued to increase and we now have over 3,000 metrics in LG Inform and LG Inform Plus, including over 100 census metrics.

Part of this increase is responding to sector requests for extra metrics for example we have reviewed the children services area with relevant parties to decide what metrics would be useful for the sector and we are currently doing a similar exercise with public health data.

Over time we would like to complete a review of each service area covered by LG Inform, if you are a member of a network/group and would like to work with us to review the data in Inform please do get in touch.

Q. What are your plans for metrics in the coming year?

The coming year is looking to be a busy as last year, in addition to the public health data, we are also following up on the consultation we had last year with CFOA to see what changes we can implement to better support Fire and Rescue Services and with the changes to GOV.UK we have quite a lot of work to do in updating the LG Inform source metadata.

The project that I am really looking forward to is the piloting of local data collection for local benchmarking. This work is progressing on a number of fronts but the project we are running with regional performance managers in the East Midlands will be consulting on the proposed metrics in the next couple of weeks so watch this space.

Q. What should people do if they have questions about metrics in LG Inform?

There are many ways users can contact us. Either through the metric forum we have on the Knowledge hub group or through the support team –

Queries on the data, sources or any other questions about the metrics or even request for new metrics can be sent in or shared through this group so please do let us know what it is that will make LG Inform even more useful to you.

Q. How can people see a list of the most recently updated metrics?

By popular demand we now have a RSS feed on the Knowledge hub where you can see the most recently added metrics. You can also link through to LG Inform and LG Inform Plus to see these metrics for your area.


Thank you, now after a long day discuss data and working through spread sheets, which do you reach for? A warm mulled wine or a tumbler of whiskey?


What are you reading at the moment to unwind after a LG Inform filled day?

The dead house


Many thanks Jonathan and Happy St. Knut's Day

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