
If you want to get a head get a hair cut

You don’t need to be told that it’s mostly men who get the top jobs, you can see it for yourself. Likewise you recognised a long time ago that if you want a top job you need to look the part, dark suit, shinny shoes. You probably weren’t surprised by academic research that informed us that tall men are seen as having an” air of authority” and are disproportionately represented in the senior ranks. My dad came from a generation who thought a “short back and sides” looked smart so he wouldn’t have been surprised at recent research which appears to show that men with shaven heads are perceived as more masculine, dominate and even to have greater leadership potential.

The findings by Albert Manners of the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious business school  may explain the growing trend  for US company bosses like Steve “Bullet head” Ballmer of Microsoft to have what are described as a “power buzz” haircut.

Whilst fashion may play its part I think that length of hair is an indication of the state of the economy and resulting management style. Austerity in the public sector has produced a more autocratic management style as unpopular decisions are imposed on a demoralised workforce. This harsh financial climate requires senior managers who can make tough decisions and impose their will. A buzz cut is aggressive it says this is not for debate- just do it.

Look at the new chief executive, look at the ambitious director, look at the senior managers tipped for success these people don’t have flowing locks, quiffs, fringes or partings! So if you want to get a head get a hair cut.

Blair McPherson author of UnLearning management published by Russell House

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