

Why is it that innovation happens in some places and not others? Is it about having the right strategic plan? Is it about a shared vision, a common set of priorities or is it to do with budgets? Why is it that if all these pieces of the jigsaw are in place it still only happens in one locality? In my experience the answer is leadership not the I'm in charge follow me type of leadership but the type of leadership which seeks to influence and is in return open to influence the influence that happens when two people develop a rapport.


This explains why an integrated health and social care dementia service developed in one locally with in a very large local authority and not with in other localities. It explains why one hospital has successful funded an intermediate care service for older people yet three other hospitals covered by the same social service department haven't. 

The public sector needs leaders at every level within the organisation leaders who can not only inspire their staff and engage with them on a human level but who work across organisational boundaries and work in partnership with other organisations to shape and  influence. To lead from the front and from behind the scenes.  

Blair McPherson author of Equipping managers for an uncertain future published by Russell House   

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Great Post! I believe that managers have a challenging job...leading by example and inspiring those people to innovate and take on a leadership role in their position.
Hello - interesting post! I thought you might be interested in an exciting new programme for public service innovators - called the Public ServiceLaunchpad. Run in by FutureGov for Hub Launchpad - it kicks off with the Scholarship - a four month programme of events, visits, dinners and networking opportunities all designed to develop talented people and their great ideas for change or doing new things in the public sector. If you are interested you can apply online here: If you want to come to a taster event, we are running the Public Service Innovation Camp on Thursday 10th October at the Hub Westminster - so sign up for your free place, whilst there are still places going: Drop me a line if you have any questions on: Lucy FutureGov