
The lion king, the jackals and the bull

In the Panchantantra animal fables from India cunning, strategy and amorality often overcome all opposition. The good guys don’t always win.( Sometimes it’s not even clear who the good guys are). Which is why these stories seem so relevant to a Local Authority audience. 

" One day the lion king was frightened by a roaring noise in the forest, which the jackals knew was the sound of a runaway bull, nothing for a lion to be scared of. They visited the bull and persuaded it to come before the lion and declare his friend ship. The bull was scared of the lion but agreed and so the lion king and bull became friends and the jackals were promoted to the first rank by a great full monarch. 

The lion and the bull spent so much time together lost in conversation that the lion stopped hunting and so the animals in the retinue were starving. So the jackals persuaded the king that the bull was plotting against him and they persuaded the bull that the lion was planning to kill him. The lion and the bull fought and the bull was killed and there was plenty of meat and the jackals rose even higher in the kings regard because they had warned him of the plot. They rose in regard of everyone else in the forest as well for providing everyone with a tasty lunch.” A Panchatantra animal fable as told by Salman Rushdie. 

If the lion king is the Leader and the jackals are two ambitious members who first trick the leader into fearing an outspoken but harmless individual then act as a go between in forming a friendship much to the gratitude of the leader. They are rewarded with a place in cabinet. These two ambitious members become concerned that this new friendship is becoming a distraction and the leader is neglecting the party. So the jackals set about persuading the Leader that there is a conspiracy against him led by his friend. At the same time they warn the friend that there are those whispering into the leader’s ear who have persuaded the leader to get rid of his so called friend in a reshuffle. The friend confronts the leader, they fight , the leader prevails. Having proved themselves loyal the jackals are promoted to senior positions where apron they use their influence  and status within the party to undermine and ultimately replace the leader. 

Sound familiar? 




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