Entrées avec l'étiquette coronavirus .

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09 juin 2020 - 09:47
When this pandemic is over you will know a lot more about your staff/ managers . A crisis brings out the strength in some and the weaknesses in others. It will not necessarily have been the most experienced or knowledgable who remained calm and inspired confidence. It will not necessarily be those with the formal qualifications who showed themselves able to adapt quickly to the new... Voir plus
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18 mai 2020 - 11:11
  What has the coronavirus crisis told us about residential care? It has told us that residential care puts older people at far greater risk, which is ironic since the biggest reason for admission is the perceived risk of remaining at home.    Life expectancy in residential care for older people is 2 to 3 years and often less. Residential care for most people over 80 is not a ... Voir plus
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14 mai 2020 - 10:34
The characteristics of effective leadership are the same in normal times as they are during a crisis. The difference is that during a crisis there is a temptation for leaders to do too much, to get over involved, to become to narrowly focused and neglect their role in anticipating the challenges further down the road.    A recent article in the Harvard Business Review identified the ... Voir plus
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06 mai 2020 - 11:23
Did you ever have a balloon debate at school? One day my younger brother came home from primary school and as we sat round the tea table told us that he had won the ballon debate. This was a new one on us older kids so he explained that it involved being the last one to get thrown out of an air ballon. This turned out to be not as dangerous as it sounded but just as violent. A group... Voir plus
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16 avr. 2020 - 10:59
The governments of the world conspire to keep the news of the end of the world from their populations. This is the premise of a Hollywood disaster movie. Fear of panic , mass hysteria and the complete breakdown of law and order persuades governments around the world to keep the impending doom an official secret. The worlds greatest scientists race to come up with a plan to save... Voir plus
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08 avr. 2020 - 12:41
  What has this Pandemic told us about how people behave in a crisis and how the authorities should manage that behaviour. Panic buying causing unnecessary shortages, having a big last night out before the lockdown officially starts and ignoring social distancing to go for a walk in the countryside whilst the weather is good, these all appear examples of selfish, irresponsible... Voir plus
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23 mars 2020 - 15:23
If it’s no longer about money, about budget cuts or being more efficient. If it’s about being practice led rather than finance driven, if it’s about effectiveness rather than cost then one outcome of the response to Convid might be to finally make a reality of the integration of health and social care.    If hospitals are not to be overwhelmed then patients need to be moved to nursing... Voir plus
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21 mars 2020 - 18:14
A crisis is exciting. Crisis management is a series of boring meetings to plan  for something that may never happen. There are so many immediate and obvious challenges facing an organisation that very few senior managers/ chief executives/ board members get excited about joining the working group. Which explains why the person appointed to chair the group is someone who wasn’t... Voir plus
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