Entrées avec l'étiquette executive coaching .

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13 mai 2016 - 15:23
  You think HR is for softies! Mr and Ms reasonable. The nice people who ensure you do the right thing, the ones who resolve conflict and get managers out of the holes they have dug for themselves. You think HR is about softening the blow of redundancy or putting a human face on absence management. Then you wouldn't expect a Performance Coach to be part of HR. A performance coach is... Voir plus
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22 avr. 2016 - 14:24
  Under the banner of " all managers to be leaders" a management development programme was commissioned around executive coaching, mentoring and management learning sets. What was unique about this was that it was systematic, it was to involve all managers ( and latterly people who aspired to be managers) it was deliver throughout  in partnership with two management consultants over... Voir plus
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05 avr. 2016 - 11:29
The aim was to change the management culture and the way things are done has certainly changed. It was not however the cultural change programme with its emphasis on management development that has resulted in new thinking and new ways of working. Executive coaching, management mentoring and leaning sets didn't change relationships or shift priorities. Investing in corporate communications,... Voir plus
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26 juin 2015 - 14:34
Managing talent was about recruiting, retaining and rewarding now it's about redeployment,redundancy and retirement. Prolonged austerity has challenged traditional ways of recruiting, retaining, managing and rewarding talent. Public sector organisations have been shrunk. Early retirements, redundancies and management culls have been the key feature in workforce strategies. Experienced staff... Voir plus
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26 janv. 2015 - 11:39
"My wife's driving increasingly alarms me but attempts to discuss it with her meet with her hostility". These are not my words I hasten to add but those of a husband seeking advice from a problem page. "A trip with her at the wheel feels uncomfortable and erratic boarding on the reckless at times". "She shows scant regard for the speed limits is easily distracted and makes me very nervous".... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:27
Leaders risk not realising their full potential if they don’t develop insight into the effect their behaviour has on others. The very qualities that make some individuals outstanding leaders could end up limiting their career and eventually be their downfall. This is the message in a new report written by Pete Ashby, Director of asaleader.com following years of experience working as an... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:11
Successive Governments shake ups of the public sector, the fashion for adopting private sector ways and the tendency to name and shame led to years of plenty for management consultants. The pace of change has not slowed in fact it has quickened but NHS Trusts, Local Authorities and other public sector organisation can no longer afford the help of management consultants. This is ironic as... Voir plus
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10 mars 2017 - 01:43
Am I lying or just overselling?  Am I bigging it up?  Making more of it than is justified?  Am I making something routine and commonplace sound different and innovative?  How else do I explain the manager who previously worked for the organisation who claims never to have heard of it or the manager still working for the organisation who states they have never experienced... Voir plus
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19 déc. 2014 - 14:44
Coaching and mentoring as a way of developing leadership skills Employee surveys plus an analysis of harassment and bullying complaints revealed that many staff thought their manager had poor people management skills.  The Directorate set out to improve managers' people management skills stating that all managers should have leadership qualities that is the ability to inspire their... Voir plus
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