Entrées avec l'étiquette management development .

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17 janv. 2023 - 14:55
 It makes a great deal of sense to get recruitment right, to have those on board who are going to be an asset for the journey. Yet the majority of people on the bus got on when the destination was different and before the new driver took over. Some of them are disgruntled passengers.  The restructuring interviews were a revelation most of the candidates had no recent job interview... Voir plus
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30 janv. 2022 - 15:08
Even if your employees think the organisation stinks , senior management are incompetent idiots  and the work life balance is all wrong they will stay longer if they feel their line manager values them because people leave managers not organisations. This fact is very relevant when you consider that the biggest challenge facing HR over the next year is employee retention and... Voir plus
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13 mai 2020 - 12:56
    Even a successful management team needs their talent pool rejuvenated at regular intervals. Move too slowly and inevitably performance declines . Move too fast and the instability and loss of expertise leads inevitably to declining performance. Building on success requires decisive often ruthless intervention.    You can only hold on to your more experienced and talented ... Voir plus
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05 avr. 2016 - 11:29
The aim was to change the management culture and the way things are done has certainly changed. It was not however the cultural change programme with its emphasis on management development that has resulted in new thinking and new ways of working. Executive coaching, management mentoring and leaning sets didn't change relationships or shift priorities. Investing in corporate communications,... Voir plus
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28 mars 2016 - 11:40
Good team work requires everyone to play their part. Everyone knows their role, no one tries to do someone else's job, experience has taught how to respond to different situations , training has reinforced best practice, the team is well organised and as a result is effective and efficient when dealing with routine circumstances and predictable challenges. Even so it can become a sterile,... Voir plus
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12 nov. 2015 - 16:17
  Turn self doubt into self awareness and get the promotion your abilities merit  Highly successful people in the public sector come across as confident and not suffering self doubt. Whilst it is true that there are those who are over confident, have an exaggerated belief in their own abilities and have very little insight into their own behave there are just as many who are good at... Voir plus
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26 juin 2015 - 14:34
Managing talent was about recruiting, retaining and rewarding now it's about redeployment,redundancy and retirement. Prolonged austerity has challenged traditional ways of recruiting, retaining, managing and rewarding talent. Public sector organisations have been shrunk. Early retirements, redundancies and management culls have been the key feature in workforce strategies. Experienced staff... Voir plus
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28 avr. 2015 - 09:05
It isn't fair to expect people applying for senior management posts to have an MBA yet refuse to fund any of your own employees to obtain the qualification. It isn't fair but it is the reality in Local Government and I suspect most of the public sector. MBAs are incredibly expensive ( to those of us who come from a different era) and budget cuts mean training budgets have been slashed, smashed... Voir plus
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16 mars 2015 - 15:37
I'm very fair, I give them three chances then that's it. I wanted to find out what "it" was. I don't think she meant she sacked them although she could have meant she had them transferred to another department but I think she meant she gets tough with them. I couldn’t pursue the conversation as the disco kicked in and some not seen very often relatives joined our little group prompting a... Voir plus
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08 janv. 2015 - 11:29
These are difficult times for public sector managers some people think the business can do ok with a lot fewer of them. Managers must deliver savage budget reductions, cut services, make people redundant and keep the remaining staff motivated whilst their wages are frozen. When this has been achieved they will find themselves working for smaller and very different organisations and they will... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:02
  According to recruiters this is the time of year when people are most likely to consider applying for a new job.  Could be you don't feel valued by your boss, could be the prospect of returning to the same old job after the long Christmas break has made you think about your career or it could be that burst of energy and optimism that comes with a new year has caused you to... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:09
Just when Local Authorities are dispensing with PAs the private sector is reinventing the post. Now that managers have lap tops and tablets typing is no longer women's work (Hold my calls, Mr Jones http://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/oct/13/jobless-male-graduates-secretarial-work-pa  )  now that managers have mobile phones they don't need someone else to answer it for them so... Voir plus
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06 juil. 2020 - 15:34
We changed the policy .We introduced new procedures. We set targets and introduced monitoring arrangements. We developed a training programme. We provided senior management with regular progress reports. We held conferences, ran workshops and we blogged. We encouraged staff to say what they were really thinking, we challenged the myths, ignorance and stereotypes. We didn’t shirk from... Voir plus
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19 déc. 2014 - 14:44
Coaching and mentoring as a way of developing leadership skills Employee surveys plus an analysis of harassment and bullying complaints revealed that many staff thought their manager had poor people management skills.  The Directorate set out to improve managers' people management skills stating that all managers should have leadership qualities that is the ability to inspire their... Voir plus
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