Entrées avec l'étiquette stress .

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13 févr. 2024 - 13:31
Juergen Klopp shocked  the world of professional football recently by announcing he would be  leaving his post of manager of Liverpool at the end of the season. What surprised commentators was his reason. Klopp said ,” I’m running out of energy”. But should we have been surprised that someone in such a high profile, results driven post should call time whilst still delivering... Voir plus
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28 juin 2021 - 11:13
Looking back it’s clear I didn’t cope well with stress. I didn’t even recognised I was stressed. I don’t know to what I attributed the frequent headaches  so sever I came home from work and went straight to bed, or the development of a pronounced  stutter, something I had not experienced before or since. When I changed job the headaches and stutter went away. But I still ended up... Voir plus
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22 janv. 2018 - 18:29
    Most modern employees are effective for about four hours a day the rest is padding and unproductive fretting (US researcher Alex Soojung -Kim Pang "Why you get more done when you work less.") Which is interesting since the average American works a longer day that most Europeans and has only 2 weeks paid holiday a year. On reading this my first question was... Voir plus
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05 juin 2017 - 17:54
  Budget cuts, redundancies, reorganisation , out sourcing , increased workloads, changes in working practices, increased use of technology, stress is part of the modern public sector work experience we just have to learn to live with it. So toughen up or to put it in HR speak become more "resilient".    Resilience training is the latest organisational response to... Voir plus
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10 mars 2017 - 13:05

null F off

  I worked in an open plan office alongside my boss who was a lay preacher and pulled me up for swearing. As a senior manager I was not in the habit of colouring my language with swear words but I was sometimes very stressed and venting through expressing a few swear words out loud did make me feel better. I was not swearing at any one just in frustration and annoyance at the situation,... Voir plus
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18 nov. 2016 - 17:22
You are an office worker. Your day begins at the same time every morning and ends uneventfully back in bed at the same time every night. During the day you follow the same routine. You drive to work along the same route, you interact with the same people in the office, you receive more emails than you send, you go for lunch at the same time, at the same place, you sit in your favourite spot by... Voir plus
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11 mars 2016 - 11:51
Stress like the public sector is not fashionable but that doesn't mean it's no longer present. Whether you regard it as bad for business that over stressed managers make bad decisions or  you take your duty of welfare to your employees seriously, stress is an issue for organisations. You would anticipate that job insecurity, over ambitious efficiency targets and  the difficulty of... Voir plus
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15 juin 2015 - 09:59
My dog has bad dreams I hear him crying in the night. He is not alone. Sometimes when he is asleep,lying on his side, I see his legs moving I hope he is chasing a squirrel  not running for his life. I wonder after such energetic dreams does he wake up tired, I know that feeling. I had this recurring dream. I would be awake but too afraid to open my eyes. Alone in bed but not alone. To... Voir plus
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09 mars 2015 - 13:06
The receptionist came out from behind the desk, spoke to and then stroked each one in turn. She clearly likes dogs. Not surprising you might say being as she works at a vets. Not so, we have been going to our vets for years and they are far more professional, they never smile, keep conversation to a minimum and never ever come out from behind the counter. Clearly the receptionist at the first... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:33
Who said “the job’s becoming undoable”? Was it a nurse anticipating the criticism about to be levelled at their profession following the damming report that serious neglect exists across the NHS. Was it the chief executive of an NHS Trust expressing anxiety about the pressure they feel under? The pressure of increased demands, the struggle to hit efficiency targets, the stress of... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 12:57
Public Sector managers are stressed out and nearly half want to leave.But they won't. Autocratic and bureaucratic management styles are to blame.But are not likely to change.   Public sector organisations are in decline according to half of the managers who work in this sector. Levels of stress are high due to autocratic and bureaucratic management styles, 98 per cent of managers... Voir plus
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