Entrées avec l'étiquette crisis management .

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14 mai 2020 - 10:34
The characteristics of effective leadership are the same in normal times as they are during a crisis. The difference is that during a crisis there is a temptation for leaders to do too much, to get over involved, to become to narrowly focused and neglect their role in anticipating the challenges further down the road.    A recent article in the Harvard Business Review identified the ... Voir plus
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16 avr. 2020 - 10:59
The governments of the world conspire to keep the news of the end of the world from their populations. This is the premise of a Hollywood disaster movie. Fear of panic , mass hysteria and the complete breakdown of law and order persuades governments around the world to keep the impending doom an official secret. The worlds greatest scientists race to come up with a plan to save... Voir plus
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21 mars 2020 - 18:14
A crisis is exciting. Crisis management is a series of boring meetings to plan  for something that may never happen. There are so many immediate and obvious challenges facing an organisation that very few senior managers/ chief executives/ board members get excited about joining the working group. Which explains why the person appointed to chair the group is someone who wasn’t... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:32
"This is not a crisis it's a period of transition". The dream job is turning into a nightmare. You knew this was a high profile job in a high profile organisation. You knew the previous chief executive had been in post for ever and had acquired almost mythical status. This was the top job in one of the biggest and most successful organisations in the country. Success last year meant the... Voir plus
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