Entrées avec l'étiquette deference .

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04 mai 2021 - 14:09
It was Saturday night in my favourite curry house  and who should come in but a small group of people including a well know comedian from the t.v. This is a very low key establishment in the back streets of Birmingham  full of students and locals not an upmarket eatery. At first people take little notice and allow the party to order their food. But before they have finished eating a... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:10
A recent article in the Guardian by a former senior civil servant argued that what a modern Civil Service needed was less deference to the bosses..As a former public sector senior manager who has experience this death of deference this is what the senior civil servants could look forward to. http://www.guardian.co.uk/public-leaders-network/blog/2012/oct/19/civil-service-boss-knows-best ... Voir plus
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