Entrées avec l'étiquette inclusion .

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28 nov. 2023 - 14:20
In the public sector vacant posts are not just a result of poor pay and overwork but of poor treatment of staff due to institutional apathy towards staff subject to bullying, racism and misogyny. And a perceived lack of support from HR. Recent reports about the NHS, the London Met police force and the London Fire and Rescue service have highlighted a disturbing and persistent culture of... Voir plus
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13 janv. 2023 - 21:02
Looking at the video and film clips, film makers in the USA think bullying at school, in the work place and in leisure venues is common place. They also believe all bullies get their comeuppance. But only by picking on the wrong person who violently and with maximum efficiency breaks bones and busts heads using fists and feet. The message seems to be learn to fight.  Does the message... Voir plus
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06 sept. 2022 - 07:14
 You may have already come across this but for the half of the population not familiar with male public  toilets there are urinals with a difference in some locations. These urinals have a life size,  very realist house fly painted on the porcelain, dead centre. The thinking  is that this improves the users aim as they feel compelled to treat it as a target. This seems... Voir plus
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25 juil. 2022 - 16:15
The image is of someone frantically bailing out a leaky boat whilst water continues to pore in through the holes in its hull. There is a lot of effort but it doesn’t  make much difference. This is what it is like trying to make the organisation more diverse by putting a lot of effort into recruitment whilst ignoring Inclusion.    The reason why diversity is championed as good for ... Voir plus
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10 juil. 2022 - 09:50
If your organisation has or aspires to a diverse workforce your managers should be able to demonstrate cultural competence yet most managers would feel I’ll prepared to pass a Cultural Competence test. Of even greater concern is  the number of organisations claiming to be striving for Equality and Inclusion and yet when appointing managers they do not stipulate in the Person... Voir plus
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18 févr. 2022 - 12:26
  In Star Trek when the Enterprise first encounters the Borg they announce themselves with the now infamous phrase   “  We are the Borg,  resistance is futile , you will be assimilated.”   Is your organisation like the Borg seeking out people from different cultures and backgrounds to add their knowledge and skills to benefit the company  but expecting them to give up their... Voir plus
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09 févr. 2022 - 16:15
The best way to smash  the glass ceiling, the most effective way of getting  a diverse senior management team and how to ensure managers have good people skills.    Organisations that want to promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion should stop appointing incompetent managers.    I believe most HR professionals would describe their role as removing obstacles to... Voir plus
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29 janv. 2021 - 14:56
It’s trending. It’s on t.v. It’s about the life’s and loves of the aristocracy in Regency England. So what’s it got to do with diversity and inclusion in your organisation?  Bridgerton a Netflix costume drama reimagines Regency England as a place where black people existed as equals with whites. And that’s a game change.    Netflix has a Vice President of inclusion responsible the ... Voir plus
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