Entrées avec l'étiquette politics .

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03 janv. 2017 - 18:52
  The bugs are making people angry and unreasonable. People are disaffected with a deep seated discontent  finding expression in misogyny and racism. Like a virus they infect people, exaggerating prejudices, distorting the way they see the world around them. People become opinionated and intolerant they are dismissive of those who hold different views to them. The bugs... Voir plus
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14 juil. 2015 - 11:13
The only reason to be deputy is to use it as a stepping stone to be a Director. Every ambitious deputy, and all deputies are ambitious, seeks higher office but strives not to be seen to be actively perusing the post because above all else deputies are required to be loyal to their directors. Every deputy see the mistakes their director makes, knows they would never make such mistakes, would... Voir plus
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