Entrées avec l'étiquette popularity .

a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
29 août 2023 - 13:48
At one time the hits were measured in ten’s of thousands. It was popular in French! Long or short , flippant or serious, topical or a new angle on an old issue the numbers were pleasantly surprising. Then about 18 months ago things changed. Was it that MI5 realised there was no secret coded messages in the text. Perhaps the French department of education no longer used some of the more bizarre... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
10 mai 2016 - 14:01
Which US president was so unlikable  that even his dog had to be bribed with biscuits to go anywhere near him? The answer is Richard Nixon or "tricky Dicky" as he became known. So being likable  is not a criteria for the top job. Can you be an unpopular leader and still be an effective leader? A lot of leaders like to think so.  www.blairmcpherson.co.uk Voir plus
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