Entrées avec l'étiquette private sector .

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20 févr. 2018 - 21:01
    In the old westerns you could always tell the goodies from the baddies by the colour of their stetsons. The bad guys wore black hats. On my social work course there was an option on philosophy and ethics perhaps it should have been called best practice and doing the right thing because that is the language of social work. At the time most students thought there was no need... Voir plus
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06 févr. 2017 - 11:11
  February 6th is national "sickie" day, so called because traditionally absenteeism is at it highest at this time of year. Employers in the public sector have in recent years being getting tough on high levels of sickness leave and copying the strategies used by the private sector. If you work in the public sector you may not be aware of what happens to your counter parts in the... Voir plus
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24 janv. 2017 - 12:47
    Donald Trump the new US president with a business background has appointed people to his senior posts on the bases that they are good at "doing deals". Is this a new and worrying tend in the public sector  which we are likely to follow? A worrying tend because doing deals in the commercial world is a rather murky business where ethical and moral considerations are... Voir plus
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07 mars 2016 - 12:47
  As local authorities bring back in house services that were outsourced, as yet another chief executive says we can get better value for money in house and another council leader says this gives us more control and will save us money, does anyone else think isn't that's what they said about outsourcing ? It may not be the same chief executive who told us that this was the only way we... Voir plus
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12 mars 2015 - 12:58
The public sector aims to be more business like. Business is finance driven. The numbers don't lie. The numbers tell their own story. Fiddling the figures, everyone does it. It's ok as long as it not illegal. It's ok as long as you don't get caught. Getting caught is an occupational hazard. Success is measurable. What gets measured gets done. Targets motivate. League tables identify the best.... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:26
“You don’t know what you’re doing” they chant from the terraces and it would appear many of those in Government and on the boards of NHS trusts agree. Why else would they make such expensive use of private sector management consultants and why else would the government want to make it easier for those from the private sector to gain employment in the NHS? Private sector management companies... Voir plus
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