Entrées avec l'étiquette race .

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08 août 2019 - 15:16
It turns out that diversity isn’t a good thing if everyone is different but the same. The gender balance and racial  mix (and cross section of sexuality) may shout diversity but if every single person thinks the same way, believes the same things has almost identical backgrounds. There is no challenge , no alternative way of looking at it, no different view just reinforcing what... Voir plus
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05 janv. 2015 - 12:51
Lenny Henry was recently the guest editor on Radio 4 Today programme. He followed this up with an article in the Guardian describing the experience and continuing his campaign to address the under representation of black people in the creative industries. He doesn't use the expression  "black people" on one occasion he refers to a person of colour but throughout the article he talks of... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:39
  Do you know how to tell which type Irish pub you are in? Ask for a whiskey. I learnt this when I asked for a Bushmills in an Irish pub in Birmingham. The relevance of which will be delt with later.   Today I noted that in two articles in the Guardian on the topic of race and racism the expression "people of colour" was used as opposed to "black" or "ethnic minorities ". Has... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:03
Not for the first time the NHS stands accused. This time it’s the Royal College of midwives who have identified that black staff are disproportionately subjected to disciplinary action. Previously the Central Manchester University Foundation NHS Trust was found guilty of institutional racism with the award of £1m to a former manager. The trade union that represented the manager... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:20
The new police and crime commissioners didn’t get off to a good start. Record low turnouts to vote indicate that the public were not interested in who got the job nor were they excited about the creation of this new post. The idea was to have one person responsible for setting the budget, hiring and firing the local police chief. If local people didn’t think the police in their area we doing... Voir plus
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