Entrées avec l'étiquette targets .

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18 nov. 2019 - 15:22
Everyone has heard about the revolution in British cycling which led to the biggest ever haul of Olympic medals. Every one in sport and any one interested in improving performance wanted to know how they had done it and could it be repeated in other areas, including local government. When asked the secret to their success team GB said a thousand minute improvements non of which on... Voir plus
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22 févr. 2016 - 19:53
  We need to talk about how we talk about diversity in the work place because the subject still has a faint air of menace about it. If people are reluctant to talk about diversity for fear of saying the wrong thing then organisations will have a tick box approach to diversity which looks impressive but doesn't  change the culture. This all to common superficial approach to diversity... Voir plus
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23 déc. 2015 - 13:25
  They are the,"turn round " kings. They can straddle two LA 's, they can manage two large schools at the same time, they can transform your failing hospital trust, they can restore the reputation of your children's services  and they can get your adult care services out of special measures. They are the "special ones".  So when the magic doesn't work, the  turn round... Voir plus
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18 août 2015 - 09:26
  This could be the story of an local government professional, a librarian, a housing officer, a policy officer ,a finance officer, a personnel officer or an admin officer.   Tim trained as a social worker in the 80s. He went on marches in support of the miners. You wouldn't catch Tim selling the Socialist Worker in town on a Saturday. He wasn't that type of radical social... Voir plus
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12 mars 2015 - 12:58
The public sector aims to be more business like. Business is finance driven. The numbers don't lie. The numbers tell their own story. Fiddling the figures, everyone does it. It's ok as long as it not illegal. It's ok as long as you don't get caught. Getting caught is an occupational hazard. Success is measurable. What gets measured gets done. Targets motivate. League tables identify the best.... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:21
  There was undoubtedly cheating and lying in the public sector before the performance management culture was so enthusiastically embraced but league tables, over ambitious targets, naming and shamming have increased the pressure and the temptation. Now we face a new round of budget cuts and senior managers are pressurised by politicians to maintain that services standards will not... Voir plus
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