Entrées avec l'étiquette working with politicans .

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03 janv. 2017 - 18:52
  The bugs are making people angry and unreasonable. People are disaffected with a deep seated discontent  finding expression in misogyny and racism. Like a virus they infect people, exaggerating prejudices, distorting the way they see the world around them. People become opinionated and intolerant they are dismissive of those who hold different views to them. The bugs... Voir plus
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16 juin 2015 - 12:27
The rise of the member led authority There has been a dramatic change in local government and I am not talking about budget cuts, management culls or outsourcing services. Where once councils were officer led now the politicians are very much in charge. Of course we always maintained there was a clear distinction between the leader of the council who managed the majority party and the chief... Voir plus
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02 juin 2015 - 15:05
It's a typically challenging question from the new leader of the council. The underlying implication is too many whatever the answer is. The honest answer is I don't know but that is an unacceptable answer and makes me look foolish. The correct answer is it depends how you count them but that just sounds like I am trying to be cleaver and risks antagonising my new boss. I could say 500 because... Voir plus
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19 déc. 2014 - 14:33
It’s an exclusive club you don’t want to be a member of. The average tenure of an NHS chief executive is 700 days but the issue of the high turnover of senior managers is a concern across the public sector. A study by consultancy Hoggett Bowers found that the main reasons for chief executive departures included difficulties in personal relationships with their chair or a senior figure in a... Voir plus
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