a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
19 juin 2018 - 11:30
I've been asked to chair a session at a forthcoming day workshop on encouraging greater involvement of community-led heritage initiatives in the work of the professional heritage sector. I'm posting this as a way of 'working out loud'. I'm no expert in these areas, and I'd welcome comments. The starting point is a report, Assessing the Value of Community-Generated Historic Environment... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
08 mars 2016 - 10:07
I'd like to introduce you to a resource published last year which I think could help with planning for digital projects. One issue with a digital content or service focussed project has been the potential for exclusion of some of the population either at a national or local level – the 'digital divide'. A charity GoONLocal, with support from Local Government Association, the... Voir plus
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