
5 easy ways to blog on KHub

Blogging: Capture your thoughts and share them with KHub members

The idea of blogging can be a daunting experience. Not knowing where to start, what topics to write about, and building the confidence to share your thoughts and ideas online can make you feel nervous about writing a blog.

We are often asked to explain what a blog is and when a blog should be used. We’re not necessarily experts, but we have had a bit of blog-writing experience. So, we have come up with a few simple ideas for different styles of blogging and some tips to help you get started.
Styles of blogging

1. Re-post blogging
When you come across an interesting post or article, write a brief outline and highlight the key points from it. Share what you find valuable, how it relates to the work or project you’re involved in, and any thought-provoking issues it raises. Always reference your original source material and link back to it.
2. Reporting back from events
Instead of just reporting back to your team or close colleagues, share your experience from the event with a wider range of people. Tell people who were unable to attend what you learnt and what key messages it raised. Use the opportunity to generate discussion with them and those who did attend.
3. Link blogging
Collect a series of links to websites, blogs or other useful online content to create useful resources with links in a single blog post. This will provide your blog readers with helpful signposts to key items of interest, and may even save them time by accessing content from trusted sources.
4. List blogging
Create lists and top ten lists (or any other number) about anything relevant to you and colleagues. Ask others to add items from their lists – share them with each other, discuss and build on what you know. This is a highly popular way to create lists for all topics and professions. Blog posts in this type of format are frequently bookmarked or shared for ease of access.
5. Announcement blogging
Break news about an important announcement or news that colleagues will find interesting. Whether it’s the launch of a new service, the publication of a long-awaited report, or the line-up to your profession’s annual conference, announce and promote the details in your own words. Share why colleagues should be in the know and get involved and why it’s significant. For maximum effect, be the first (if possible) to break the news.
Each blog post you write may use a different style of blogging. You don’t have to stick to one style – try mixing and matching them and see which ones get more views and comments. When you have picked the right blogging style, how can you get the best out of it?
Tips for your next blog post

  • Pick a topic and a title
    Focus on one topic per blog and make sure the value of the blog is clear and the title accurately describes the blog. Try to keep the title between 50-60 characters and one that catches people’s attention.
  • Format and optimise the blog
    Make your blog inviting and easy to read. Use section headers, bullets and numbering to highlight points and bold any important statements. Break up the text with images that add value and reinforce your messages.
  • Promote your blog
    Once it’s published, share it further through social media, internal newsletters and other channels where your colleagues are. Don’t forget to link to previous blog posts that are related and relevant.
  • Analyse your blog post
    It’s good to know what impact your blog has made. Has it got people thinking and talking? Check out the number of views, comments and likes it is receiving. What style and content is getting the most engagement? Which topics are most popular? Use these findings to inform future blog posts and your blogging style.  

Remember, you can write a blog to share your views, comments and learning for others to read, but you can also write one just for yourself. One of the biggest benefits of a blog is the ability to track your thoughts and ideas chronologically allowing you to follow your stream of thinking as it develops.
Find out more about writing a blog on Knowledge Hub and how to share it with the relevant groups and members.

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Great advice Would definitely recommend writing blogs - can be cathartic! Barry