
Councillor Mehboob Khan: Local Democracy week marks one month to police and crime commissioners elections

By Councillor Mehboob Khan

Chair, LGA Safer and Stronger Communities Board

Monday 15 – Friday 19 October is European Local Democracy week which aims to increase people's knowledge of local democracy and promote the idea of getting more involved locally. 

Today also marks exactly one month until the first ever elections take place across the country (outside London) for police and crime commissioners. 

Police and crime commissioners will set the budget and policing priorities in their local area. They will also be able to appoint, and if necessary dismiss, the chief constable and they will be responsible for holding their local police force to account. 

Local government will be essential in supporting police and crime commissioners in tackling issues such as anti-social behaviour, alcohol related crime and disorder and troubled families.

Police and crime commissioners will make important decisions which will affect communities and individuals on a daily basis.  However many commentators are predicting very low turnouts - as low 15 per cent in some areas. 

Everybody needs to play their part if they want to have a say in decisions that will affect them.  I would encourage you to find out as much about candidates in your area as possible so that you can decide who to vote for.  All official candidate statements will be available on the Home Office’s official website:

Please do take part in any local democracy events this week and don’t forget to have your say in the police and crime commissioner elections on 15 November.

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I totally agree with your viewpoint and I am not surprised that commentators are expecting a low turnout as there has been very little information regarding the elections. Certainly where I live I have not received any information from any candidates so far. There have been a couple of adverts but media coverage is very low so far.
I've not seen any info about the elections locally either. It's only because I work for the LGA that I know about what's happening and of course I'll be going out to vote, but I don't suppose many of my neighbours are aware of the elections. At the moment finding out about candidates relies very much on people being proactive and checking the website.
Hi Susan - the Police Foundation are also providing up to date information you might find useful.
Thank you Michelle, I will have a look. I have also linked website on my facebook account to advertise the information. I will be working at a polling station so the more voters the better to keep us busy rather than bored...
Oh dear, well I hope it goes well! :) That's a great idea about Facebook. The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners does have its own page at the moment but I haven't spotted much else?