
VIDEO - How to get the most out of Knowledge Hub


Meet John. He works in local government. John recently got a new job and wanted to find out more about his role and connect with people across the sector. He joined the Knowledge Hub, a place where he can start finding and sharing information with colleagues. Here's a video of John’s journey of how he began getting the most out of Knowledge Hub...



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As you can see John did four things to get the most out of Knowledge Hub.

1. Completed his profile 

2. Connected with lots of people 

3. Joined some online groups 

4. Started sharing – replying to forum threads, uploading documents and writing blogs 


That was John’s journey now it’s your turn…


Knowledge Hub team


Video by Michelle Rea and Jamie Kirk

If you're having trouble viewing this video then you can download it here.

There are also more Knowledge Hub training videos on our YouTube channel.





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