
Our top 10 #OurDay tweets

With over 36,000 tweets throughout #OurDay on Wednesday 18 November, it's no wonder we've struggled to come up with our top 10! However, between them, Dimple and Liz of the Knowledge Hub Team have come up with five favourites each that they feel represent the diversity of the day. Liz has cheated and glued two together, but you needed to see the second part of the story too, so she's counting it as one! If you'd like to see more of our favourites, you can find them here.

Yet again this year, public servants and volunteers across the country stepped out in force on Twitter for 24 hours to show what they do every day. The range of work done is completely mind-blowing! And a day like #OurDay is a great reminder that we should celebrate, recognise and thank our public servants for the work they do. So, thank you all for the insight into what you do each day - and thank you for doing it.

Our top 10 tweets

Liz's favourite five

I've tried to choose five examples that show the breadth of work in public service - and some have a sense of humour too! I was also keen to include a shout to all the people who volunteer across the country.

Dimple's favourite five

Here are my five to show the varied services and how important they are. We expect some services to be always available and some we may not even know about! 


See you again next year for #ourDay 2016!

Plus d'entrées de blog

I loved checking the #OurDay timeline throughout 18 November to get a taste of what colleagues up and down the country were up to. The hashtag felt fizzier this year, in a really great way. Am also incredibly chuffed to see one of my council's tweets in the top ten here - the Quidditch Street sign was our most popular tweet of the day from the official account, which has pleased our street naming and numbering team no end!