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12 juil. 2014 - 12:55
I recently had pause for thought on one of the great successes on Khub and it’s an aspect of peer regulation we rarely think about. This is most likely because it is so effective we don’t even notice it. We have a flag system for erroneous content on Khub. Any user can flag any content as inappropriate. We adjudicate, take appropriate action and inform all parties of the decision and... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:03
Just a quick note to let you know that we will be changing the styling of notifications from Khub this evening so you may notice a change tomorrow. It applies to all system notifications. We hope you like the new format.
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:33
  Over The last few months I’ve been involved with attempts to bring into being a local government response to the central Government GDS initiative (see This has been variously termed Local GDS, GDS for Local Government or as we have termed it LocalGov Digital. There have been a few meetings and the LGA in the form of the Digital team here have been facilitating these by... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:33
  Recently there have been a few questions on how to use the events function on Khub and some discussion on using it to track event booking. It’s fair to say that Khub is designed to help you publicise events but it’s not a tracking/booking/ticketing system. We decided a long time ago that this kind of functionality was available elsewhere in a form far better than we could hope to... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:03
  I've become very aware recently of the trials and tribulations of moustache hygiene and etiquette recently. The sudden catapult into the financial exploitation of follicular facial furniture has led me to a world hither too unknown. I shall not, for example, be drinking Guinness until December at the earliest. Soup is a delicate operation and even cups of tea are a bit of a different... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:03
It's that time of year again when ladies of a certain disposition cringe at the sudden proliferation of facial hair amongst the men folk. Yes it's Movember and this year on the Knowledge Hub team we are joining in by growing the most controversial of mens facial furniture, the moustache! In keeping with this theme and in tandem with our photo competition we have changed the default picture... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:41
It seems a good time to post a reminder about the email interface for Khub. We publicised this a while back but recently I've met a few people who were unaware of this feature. Notifications It's an evident truth that email is king in local government and the way most people like to communicate. In light of this we paid attention to how email would work with Khub and especially how you... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:41
  Following a short while for the initial release of Khub to settle down and get some of the bugs ironed out, we’re adding some more bits to Khub and changing some others. So what’s coming up? Well, the first thing to say is a big thank you to everyone who has been feeding back and helping identify both the bugs in the system and areas we can improve. We have been listening and... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:41
I thought an update on what would be included in tonights maintenance release would be useful for those who are interested.   In terms of email: message notifications will be switched on so you will know immediately when you receive a message from another user reply by email on forums will be enabled so you don't even have to touch the web interface to take part in... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 12:57
This morning at the LGA conference I attended the plenary session on how councils can make the best of the reforms in the NHS. A new LGA report was published on the LGA webiste in tandem with this session and you can download it from there. It was opened by Cllr David Rogers OBE who set the scene form a local authority point of view. The meat of the session however, was provided by Sir David... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 14:23
This morning at the LGA conference I attended the plenary session on how councils can make the best of the reforms in the NHS. A new LGA report was published on the LGA webiste in tandem with this session and you can download it from there. It was opened by Cllr David Rogers OBE who set the scene form a local authority point of view. The meat of the session however, was provided by Sir David... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:27
Today I attended one of DCLG’s Local Direct Gov ‘Really Useful’ sessions on Cookies and Privacy. This was to discuss the consensus approach to the forthcoming EU Electronics Communications Directive. Firstly thanks to Louise Russell and Sheenagh Reynolds for organising this. It was as they say, really useful. It was well attended with rep’s from the ICO’s office and GDS as well as a... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:21
Well it seems only a blink of an eye since I wrote the last post but so much has happened. There's been lots of social and messaging functions added to the platform and we finally delivered notifications as per my last post. There is some bedding down to do mostly in relation to formatting and messaging but I'm feeling good. All credit to Liz and the team for getting everything sorted in the... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 12:57

null Mea culpa

  Well, what's done is done is done. Migration of all content and people from Communities of Practice is finished. We have migrated some 1,000+ communities and 100,000 user accounts. CoP will close as scheduled over this coming weekend. Its been a gruelling three months with every weekend and almost every evening taken up with migration work since mid-January. A sterling team effort... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:21
  Migration, migration, migration! Eat, sleep, drink migration... Guess what my days are filled with? Right now, every waking hour is filled with migration of communities to Knowledge Hub. Every day, every evening and most of every weekend is filled with planning it, talking about it or doing it. And then there's the ultimate measure, my partner is complaining loudly about it. Well... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:05
  It's been a dramatic week for us at Knowledge Hub central. We planned our first major conference outing, ran our first major online event and have throttled-up our migration schedule. We are running a masterclass at the See IT in Action conference in Greenwich on Tuesday 21st Feb. The focus is using technology in public service. We are running with the title 'Using Social Media... Voir plus
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null 2190 vues

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