Entrées avec l'étiquette community facilitation .

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18 déc. 2014 - 11:18
A lot of groups have periods of slow down or lull’s due to outside influences.  These can be down to a range of subjects.  This can also affect the discussions, content and activities that the facilitators have up there sleeve to stimulate activity.  Quite often, you run out of ideas or don’t know where to turn to get that spark of inspirations. This is what... Voir plus
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20 août 2014 - 15:47
Just come across this great infographic from Socious regarding content generation. Quiet often a group starts up and uploads all its content in one go.  Members visit and download the content and never return.  And the group gets stuck in the trough of sorrow. From our last online chat on Facilitation tasks.  One of the things we didn’t really cover was creating content for... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:21
This is a nicelittle slidepack from Luis Suarez who's a Community Builder and Knowledge Manager.  Not the Liverpool centre forward. There's some great stuff in here and covers all the things that we have talked about and promoted in the Online Facilitators Community for the last 6 years.  Becoming a Jedi Master. The secret art of cultivating online communities Luis... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:35
This is a great blog post from Rachel Happe from Community Roundtable, That I thought would be great to share   Community management is one of those things that, when working well, often goes unnoticed and unappreciated. It’s a bit like that hostess that always has fantastic parties but no one really understands the hard work that went into the party itself. However, when... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 12:58
  What do members want? If you want to start a community (or improve an existing one), you might begin by asking members what they want.    Members will say they want interesting, relevant, information. They want advice. They want entertaining content.   Facilitaors then works overtime to create this interesting, relevant, entertaining content.  If it... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:12
This is a great post from Community Roundtable, which I missed on Groundhog Day, but still worth a mention When we think of the day to day and the year to year of what community management is, we think of Groundhog Day.  Not the actual event, where a furry creature tells us if winter will last or not...no we mean the movie starring Bill Murray.   Same Task Different... Voir plus
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