Health for Wealth: Building a Healthier Northern Powerhouse for UK Productivity

Créé par:  Former Member
Dernière mise à jour: 14 mai 2020

The productivity gap between the North and the rest of England is well documented, however, the substantial health gap has received less attention despite having significant potential to improve productivity and reduce inequality. Data shows that 30% of the £4 per person per hour gap in productivity (£1.20 per person per hour) is due to ill-health, with life expectancy in the North two years lower on average than in the South. Reducing the health gap has the potential to generate £13.2 billion in UK GVA.

The Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA) commissioned the Report from six of its eight university members to understand the impact of poor health on productivity, and to explore opportunities for improvement. The Report proposes that addressing ill health in the North will be a key route to increasing wealth post-Brexit. The importance of green, socially inclusive growth to reduce regional inequality and tackle climate change is also highlighted.

The Report sets out recommendations to central government, and local and regional stakeholders (including businesses) in the North.

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Health for Wealth.docx

Category: Economics Health Economics