Public Transport, Private Profit: The Human Cost of Privatizing Buses in the United Kingdom

Créé par:  thumbnail Jack Ford
Dernière mise à jour: 15 oct. 2021

This report, published by the Centre for Human Rights and Global Justice at NYU Law School, shows how the deregulation of buses in the UK (outside London) has led to a local public transport system that has completely failed to deliver for bus passengers. Based on interviews with bus users, interviews with experts, and public documents, the paper argues that service levels have become so poor that they represent a violation of human rights for UK bus users, which disproportionately includes disabled people, ethnic minorities, women and those on low incomes. At the same time, the paper argues that buses can be a major force for social good that deliver a very high return on investment, and the authors set out some recommendations of how this situation can be reversed. 

Category: Demographics & Labour Markets Transport