State of the North 2021/22: Powering Northern Excellence

Créé par:  thumbnail Thomas Newton
Dernière mise à jour: 20 janv. 2022

In January 2022, IPPR North released their annual State of the North 2021/22 report, examining the recent performance of the North, and what the North needs from the Levelling Up agenda in order to prosper. This year’s State of the North report highlights the gap between promises and reality on levelling up. It focuses on the impact this is having in three key policy areas: jobs; net zero; and education and skills. The report also provides three missions for a prosperous North: 1) building a new economy that promotes widespread prosperity; 2) making the North an engine of the net zero transition; and 3) providing everyone with access to high-quality, life-long education.

Category: Demographics & Labour Markets Economics Education & Skills Energy & Environment