
Findings from the 4th Care Act Stocktake published

Findings from the fourth Care Act stocktake which took place during May and June 2015 are now published on the LGA website. All councils responded to the stocktake and results show that overall it is a positive picture for changes under social care reforms from April 2015 but there are increasing concerns around some areas of implementation.

Councils’ confidence in their ability to deliver the Care Act reforms in 2015/16 remains high, with 99% very or fairly confident. The percentage of councils who say they are very confident has increased from 35% to 57% since the previous stocktake in February 2015. 89% of councils say that they are ‘on track’ with their implementation of the Care Act in 2015/16. The remaining 11% report themselves as only slightly behind. However, the number identifying that they may need support has increased.

This is the first stocktake following the Care Act changes that came into effect in April 2015, following three stocktakes in the previous year. The questions reflect the highest priority issues at this stage of implementation, including specific metrics to support the commitment to monitor in-year activity to inform the Spending Review, as well as specific questions about what difference it is making within councils.

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