Entrées avec l'étiquette child obesity .

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27 avr. 2017 - 23:03
Health matters is an information resource from Public Health England which includes infographics, videos, case studies and slide sets alongside written content. PHE have created this tool to bring together in one place the most informative data and the best evidence of what works in tackling major public health problems. The latest edition of Health Matters, a resource for local... Voir plus
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21 déc. 2016 - 11:31
Most parents of overweight children in England think their weight is about right, raising fears obesity has been normalised. (Article published 14th December 2016, Guardian online). The vast majority of parents of overweight children in England do not recognise the fact, the annual Health Survey for England 2015 has found, raising fears that high levels of obesity have normalised... Voir plus
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21 déc. 2016 - 11:18
Public Health England commissioned NatCen Social Research to include a set of questions in its British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey to understand the public’s view of obesity and related issues. The paper, Attitudes to obesity, presents NatCen’s analysis of the results. The primary findings show that people underestimate their weight and struggle to identify the point when someone becomes... Voir plus
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28 juil. 2016 - 11:53
Could the Pokemon Go craze have a positive impact on your community? This article in Public Sector Executive highlights the potential opportunities for local services and community health and activity from the new Pokemon Go craze!   What can Pokémon Go do for your council and community? 28.07.2016 (Go to original article for linked articles) I’m sure you’ve seen... Voir plus
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30 juin 2016 - 13:32
This visual statistical report presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources. The topics covered include: Part 1: Overweight and obesity prevalence among adults and children Part 2: Health Outcomes; presents a range of information about the health outcomes of being obese or overweight which includes information on health... Voir plus
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09 nov. 2015 - 09:44
Guardian network article - Monday 5th October Brighton and Hove is addressing its sweet tooth by becoming the first British city to introduce a voluntary “sugar tax”. The local council is calling on food and drink shops to impose a 10p surcharge on all sugary soft beverages, with the proceeds to be put into a children’s health and food education trust. Schools across the city are joining... Voir plus
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23 mars 2015 - 13:29
Now you know how many calories are in that burger, do you still want to eat it? This article by Social Change UK highlights research into the effect that displaying calories and nutritional information on menus has on eating behaviour. Social Change UK have been following the idea of calories on menus and displaying nutritional information for years - not just on supermarket and... Voir plus
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23 févr. 2015 - 17:34
This slideset of infographics produced by Public Health England illustrate the facts and figures about obesity, the costs, the benefits of investing and the potential routes to action. An accompanying reference sheet is included. These can be used freely with acknowledgement to Public Health England. The slide set is based on the most recent data and best available evidence. It... Voir plus
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18 déc. 2014 - 15:11
The National Child Measurement Programme 2013-14 shows whether children in state schools in reception (aged four to five years) and year 6 (aged 10 to 11 years) are categorised as underweight, healthy, overweight or obese due to their body mass index (BMI). Analysis shows that in 2013-14, obesity prevalence among reception year children attending schools in the most deprived areas was... Voir plus
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01 août 2014 - 14:28
Parents’ efforts to help their children eat healthily are being undermined by sophisticated promotions for unhealthy foods on TV and online – these adverts are exploiting loopholes in advertising regulations. The British Heart Foundation is leading a campaign, 'Action on Junk Food Marketing', to urge the UK Government to introduce stronger regulations to stop companies from... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:24
 A community approach to tackling obesity A Guardian article by Sarah Boseley on tackling obesity looks at an approach started in northern France which takes a whole community approach to tackling obesity. She asks if a project started in two French towns could show us how to tackle obesity in children – by taking action as a whole community? The article describes an experiment... Voir plus
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