Entrées avec l'étiquette adult and child safeguarding .

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23 oct. 2018 - 09:33
Many older jails are ill-equipped for prisoners in wheelchairs, or with mobility problems. Some prisoners struggle to wash and look after themselves, others cannot get help during the night. The quality of care is inconsistent. As the prison population ages they are more likely to develop new conditions while in prison. This report shows a failure to plan for the future needs of a growing... Voir plus
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05 juil. 2018 - 15:47
Both the Making Safeguarding Personal Outcomes Project Final Report, which describes the work done between November 2017 and April 2018, and the Outcomes Framework are now available will be used to drive the next phase of this work during 2018/19. If you would like to get involved in the implementation and development of the next phase of the MSP outcomes framework, please contact Pritpal... Voir plus
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