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29 sept. 2016 - 14:32
Nesta has launched a new report, Health as a Social Movement: The Power of People in Movements, produced as part of NHS England’s Health as a Social Movement Programme. It illuminates the value and role of health social movements and aims to foster debate, experiments and development of a practice around social movements in health. A health social movement is a people-powered effort to... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
10 août 2016 - 08:17
GoodSAM is a smartphone app that alerts first-aiders to nearby medical emergencies. Last month NESTA had confirmation that, for the first time, GoodSAM has helped to save a life. See more here. Through the Centre for Social Action Innovation Fund, Nesta and the Cabinet Office have supported the London Ambulance Service to integrate GoodSAM into their 999 systems. This means that, if a 999... Voir plus
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