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New guidance on S106, 10 dwelling threshold for affordable housing – and N

Former Member, modifié il y a 9 années.

New guidance on S106, 10 dwelling threshold for affordable housing – and N


We have been asked by a parish council if  a Neighbourhood Plan policy could  be devised  to over-ride the recently introduced national  10 dwelling threshold so that they can secure affordable homes in their village.

As the guidance, if I understand correctly, has the status of policy as it was in a ministerial statement  is this possible if the Neighbourhood Plan policy was evidence based – or is it a non-starter.?

If it is not possible then Neighbourhood Plans can only assist delivery of affordable housing on larger sites of 10 or more dwellings which it will more  difficult to identify  in small villages.  

I am aware that the threshold for affordable housing does not extend to Rural Exception Sites – but I cannot see that a Rural Exception Site could be identified in a Neighbourhood Plan as it would not then be contrary to policy.


Any advice welcome


Daniel Hudson, modifié il y a 9 années.

RE: New guidance on S106, 10 dwelling threshold for affordable housing – a

Advocate Publications: 121 Date d'inscription: 25/04/12 Publications Récentes

One of the many unforeseen (by CLG) consequences of this measure is that it will hinder and demoralize communities preparing Neighbourhood Plans, many of which are founded on a preference for small sites.

Leaving aside the question of the weight of the new guidance, there is a major question mark about whether a Neighbourhood Planning Policy which sought to override national policy would satisfy basic condition a) on having regard to national policy and at the very least, by advancing such a policy, they would be placing the success of the plan at examination at risk.

There may be a further risk that in progressing to examination with a small sites strategy, the Examiner may recommend that the plan be amended to remove affordable housing requirements from small sites, thereby leaving the Parish with a plan with no means of delivering affordable housing and a portfolio of market only sites. This would be a hard sell at referendum stage.