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Local List - consultation

Andrew Gunther, modifié il y a 9 années.

Local List - consultation

New Member Publications: 3 Date d'inscription: 19/10/11 Publications Récentes

I attended a very useful PAS event in Exeter yesterday regarding Renewable Energy and SUDS. Related to the new requirements for SUDS coming into place this April, there seemed to be some disagreement/confusion in the room around whether Local Lists should be consulted on as they are amended. To be helpful, I hope the Planning Practice Guidance below makes things clear that consultation is required although the requirements for consultation are not specified:

How should a local planning authority review its local list?

Paragraph: 044 Reference ID: 14-044-20140306

The recommended process for reviewing and revising local lists involves the following three-step process: 

  • Step 1: Reviewing the existing local list

Local planning authorities should identify the drivers for each item on their existing local list of information requirements. These drivers should be statutory requirements, policies in the National Planning Policy Framework or development plan, or published guidance that explains how adopted policy should be implemented.

Having identified their information requirements, local planning authorities should decide whether they need to revise their existing local list. Where a local planning authority decides that no changes are necessary, it should publish an announcement to this effect on its website and republish its local list.

  • Step 2: Consulting on proposed changes

Where a local planning authority considers that changes are necessary, the proposals should be issued to the local community, including applicants and agents, for consultation.

  • Step 3: Finalising and publishing the revised local list

Consultation responses should be taken into account by the local planning authority when preparing the final revised list. The revised local list should be published on the local planning authority’s website.

Information requested with a particular planning application must meet the statutory tests introduced by the Growth and Infrastructure Act.


Former Member, modifié il y a 9 années.

RE: Local List - consultation

My view it that we should consult, and that's we have done in the past and will do now. 

I think failure to consult would leave an LPA very vulnerable if the was a 'Validation dispute'.