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Open Street Maps - source material

Alexander Ford, modifié il y a 5 années.

Open Street Maps - source material

New Member Envoyer: 1 Date d'inscription: 21/08/18 Publications Récentes

Apologies for any cross-posting. 

I am a Travel planner for an acute NHS Trust and concentrate on promoting sustainable travel modes, ie walking, cycling, public transport etc.   

Increasingly I am promoting mobile phone apps that help with peoples travel planning.  A large number of these apps use a free online resource called open street maps.  What i find is that this resource is sometimes out-of date, so when someone uses the likes of a major bus Travel app, the Travel options are inaccurate due to un-mapped walkways and cut throughs in no-through roads.  Usually promoting a longer distance than is necessary and giving the end user the impression it would be quicker by car, with soo many new housing developments going up now and in the past, I just wondered whose responsibility is it to update this information if anyone's?  Volunteers, housing developments, councils, etc.... 

Thank you for your time
